Google removes Mitron app for policy violation and who made this app?

Google removes the recently growing app Mitron for violation Policy. Indians are ready to take this app as a TikTok's replacement.

Google remove this app because this app violating the "Spam and Minimum functionality" policy.

The app removed because:
1. Copying content from other apps without adding any original value.
2. Creating multiple apps with similar functionality.

Who made this app? Is this a Pakistani app?

A few days ago it is known that this is a Pakistani app.
At first the credit of developing this app going to a student of IIT Roorkee name Shivank Agarwal. Then the information came that the student buy this code with 2,500 rupees of the app named "TICTIC" and rebranded it and named it Mitron.

TicTic is a Pakistani app which is developed by Pakistan based company name QBoxus.

The app is launched on 11th April. Many users report it because of the privacy and security threat because the developer webpage is showing blank and there is no privacy policy for this app.

The app already has 5 million downloads within a few days because of Youtube vs Tiktok controversy.

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