Amazon,Flipkart,ecommerce are allowed to provide service after 20th april?

It is a big question among peoples who are waiting for opening eCommerce services like Amazon,Flipkart and may more.Those services are going to halt after lockdown starts in India.

Now the answer of above question is YES.
The government allowed the eCommerce vehicle movement after 20th April across the country to start their services.
As PM Narendra Modi announces 19 days extension to the world largest lockdown,government says that that the eCommerce services are allowed within necessary permission.But the new guideline does not apply to corona virus hotspot area.

As the eCommerce companies are facing huge loss during the lockdown period.A popular food delivery service Zomato already started to delivering essential items to its customer.According to the eCommerce company statistics after starting the services they will confront huge traffic because of huge number of orders.Another problem is that staffing problem.Due to corona spread many delivery agents are not willing to do deliveries because of the corona virus infection.But many of agents are willing to do their job.Company provide a special incentive to agents who will works those times.

They are no providing all goods to all over India.They are permitted to delivery only essential items.But the Odisha government allow eCommerce services to delivery all kind of goods.

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